Key note address by. Dr.Rouf Zain ( Senior Educationist and Research Fellow)

Speach by Secretory A. R. Muzzammil J. P. (Founder Member)

Welcome speech by President S. H. M. Naufer (Founder Member)

Address by Mr. S. C. Fouzdeen (BA, PGDE) Zahira Maha Vidyalaya.

Chief guest Al-Haj A. H. M. Maheer JP, Chairman Zeenath Trading Company (Pvt) Ltd

Dr. Al-Haj I. Y. M. Haniff (JP), Founder & Director of JJ Foundation.

Al Haj A. S. Mohamed B. A.( Ret. Exam commissioner and Patron of GDUMA)

First place Speach Competition Miss. Usra Deen, Rahula Kanshta Vidyalaya.Eñderamulle Wattla Sri Lanka.

Al Haj M. M. A. Gaffoor Ret. Judge of Court of Appeal and Patron of GDUMA.

M.K. Jumat ( MAAT,AMA ) Joint Secretary. GDUMA

GDUMA handover a memorandum to chief guest

Third place Speech contest.

Kaseedha by Zahira Muslim Vidyalaya Hunupitiya Wattala SRI LANKA girls.

AI Haj Marshad Bari , his wife Muhabbath tv Al Haj Nizam.

Al Haj Siddeek Hanifa. News editor Vasantham TV.